Fighting For Your Rights For Over 60 Years

Internal Union Matters

Unions are complex legal entities that frequently encounter challenges and legal hurdles within their own organizational structure. The laws regarding internal union governance are intricate and complicated. Like businesses, unions require experienced legal counsel to maneuver through legal hurdles.

The Karmel & Torres, LLC has provided valuable legal guidance to unions on internal matters since our founding in 1960. Our attorneys have decades of experience navigating labor law. We have represented international and local unions facing a broad range of legal issues.

We serve unions nationwide from our offices in Chicago, Illinois and near Grand Rapids, Michigan. Contact us today to speak with our experienced team during a free consultation.

Internal Union Elections

Internal elections of union officers are governed by the federal Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 (LMRDA). The LMRDA sets forth detailed mandates for the election process, including:

  • Timing requirements
  • Notice requirements
  • Ballot requirements

Federal law and regulations also establish rules governing the removal of elected officers.

Our attorneys advise unions on how to properly conduct internal elections to ensure compliance with federal law. We also handle challenges to union elections before the U.S. Department of Labor.

Internal Employment Matters

Many unions depend on internal staff members for their ongoing operations and day-to-day functioning. As a result, unions themselves can run into employment law issues — including anything from employment contracts to employee handbooks to wage and hour issues or even discrimination claims.

As a full-service labor and employment law firm, we represent unions in any internal employment matters that may arise. Our lawyers provide proactive counsel to anticipate and mitigate potential disputes, and we also represent unions in employment-related litigation.

Contact Us | Serving Unions In Illinois, Michigan And Nationwide

For experienced union-side legal guidance, contact us at 312-680-0797. Our firm maintains offices in downtown Chicago and near Grand Rapids, Michigan. We serve unions nationwide.