Fighting For Your Rights For Over 60 Years

Grievance Arbitration

Grievances are among the most common legal matters unions face. Navigating the grievance process requires skill and experience. On a fundamental level, it also requires analyzing and interpreting the collective bargaining agreement.

Grievances typically arise from violations of the collective bargaining agreement. They often concern issues such as:

  • Disciplinary measures
  • Demotions
  • Wage disputes
  • Working hours
  • Working conditions
  • Denial of promised employee benefits
  • Unfair actions by supervisors or management

Extensive Experience Representing Unions Nationwide

Since its founding in 1960, the Karmel & Torres, LLC has represented unions in a broad range of labor law matters, including grievance arbitration. We have extensive experience in this area. Our attorneys handle hundreds of grievance arbitrations every year, and over the course of our careers, we have handled thousands of discipline-related and contract-related grievances for unions.

Our firm has represented some of the largest unions in the nation, giving us the industry insight and in-depth knowledge necessary for navigating grievance arbitration.

With offices in downtown Chicago and near Grand Rapids, Michigan, we represent unions throughout Illinois and Michigan as well as nationwide.

Strong Legal Strategies

The decision of whether to pursue a grievance requires a thorough investigation and thoughtful consideration. A decision made capriciously or in bad faith could lead to allegations that the union violated its duty of fair representation.

Our lawyers provide trusted legal counsel for international and local unions on every aspect of grievance arbitration. We offer reasoned guidance on whether and how to proceed with grievance arbitration, and we develop strong strategies for presenting persuasive arguments. We also handle enforcing or vacating arbitration awards in federal court.

Contact Us: 312-680-0797 | Free Consultation

To learn more about our established union-side practice, contact us online or call 312-680-0797.