Fighting For Your Rights For Over 60 Years

In the News

August 2018:

Dying to Work was favorably reviewed in the August issue of NEW SOLUTIONS: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy

July 22, 2018 – San Francisco:

Jon read from Dying to Work at the Green Arcade Bookstore as part of San Francisco’s July LaborFest activities.

July 2018:

Jon was appointed as the Union Co-Chair to the Occupational Safety Health Committee which is part of the ABA Labor and Employment Law Section.

June 17-21, 2018- Liverpool, England:

Jon traveled to the UNI Global Union World Congress and met with trade unionists from around the world. The Congress focused on the future of work and sustainable economies.

June 14, 2018 – Baltimore:

Jon spoke on a panel at the Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA) annual meeting about Dying to Work and the dangers to American workers.

April 24, 2018:

Jon was interviewed about Dying to Work on WorkWeek a program on KPFA public radio in Berkeley.

April 20, 2018:

Jon was interviewed about Dying to Work for 1869, the podcast for the Cornell University Press.

March 29, 2018:

Jon read the story of Paul King from Dying to Work on a panel sponsored by Suffolk Law School in Boston and MassCOSH. Paul’s daughter, Melissa, spoke about the impact of Paul’s death on the family.

December 2017:

Dying to Work: Death and Injury in the American Workplace is published by the Cornell University Press

December 6, 2017 – Baltimore:

Jon attended the National COSH Conference and was on a panel with Katherine Rodriguez and Tonya Ford who lost their father and uncle, respectively, to preventable workplace deaths. Jon read their stores which are featured in his new book, Dying to Work.

https: //

Follow Jon on Twitter @jonlaborlaw.

In December Cornell University Press is publishing Jon’s book Dying to Work: Death and Injury in the American Workplace. It will be available in bookstores as well as all major online vendors including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Google, Apple and Cornell.


American Bar Foundation (August 2017)

Jon became a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation which supports empirical research, publications, and programs that advance justice and the understanding of law and its impact on society.

American Constitution Society for Law and Policy 2017 National Convention (June 2017)

Jon attended the ACS Convention and among the inspiring speakers were Associate Justice Breyer and Khizr Khan.

Emory Kessler-Eidson Trial Techniques Program (May 2017)

Jon taught another group of 2-Ls at the Kessler-Eidson program on trial techniques and regrouped with lots of great friends and lawyers from across the country.

ABA Midwinter OSHA Meeting (March 2017)

Jon was on a panel at the ABA Midwinter OSHA meeting and debated the Legislative Director for the U. S. Chamber of Commerce on Congress’ and the Trump administration’s repeal of worker health and safety regulations.

Illinois Superlawyers (January 2017)

Jon was named an Illinois Super Lawyer, a distinction he has earned since 2013.

Emory Corporate Governance and Accountability Review (January 2017)

Just ahead of the Inauguration, Jon contributed an essay to a special issue of ECGAR on a broad range of legal issues that will affect all Americans as a result of their choices made at the ballot box in November. Jon’s contribution, The Workers’ President,, discusses the early returns of a Trump Presidency for American workers.

United Support and Memorial for Workplace Fatalities (December 2016)

Jon was asked to join the Advisory Board of the USMWF, a nonprofit organization that offers support, guidance and resources to those affected by preventable work-related deaths or serious injuries. The USMWF was an invaluable resource to Jon while writing his book, Dying to Work: Stories of Death and Injury in the American Workplace (Cornell University Press) which is due out in the Fall 2017.

National Council for Occupational Safety and Health (December 2016)

Jon was a panelist at the annual COSH conference in Baltimore where he spoke on workers compensation reform and organizing actions around workplace fatalities and injuries. Among the many great presentations, there was much discussion (and consternation) about the likely policies of the Department of Labor and OSHA under the Trump administration.

Hot Topics in Contemporary Labor Relations Law (June 2016)

Jon was a panelist at the Chicago Kent College of Law conference on “Hot Topics in Contemporary Labor Relations Law.” The panel topic was, “Who Is The Employee?” which concerned on demand workers on the “Gig” economy, such as Uber drivers.

Emory Corporate Governance and Accountability Review (May 2016)

“What Can We Do?” is an excerpt from Jon’s recently finished book, Dying to Work, a collection of short stories from and about workers who were injured or killed on the job. The excerpt was recently published in the Emory Corporate Governance and Accountability Review (May 2016), a journal from the Emory University School of Law. “What Can We Do” is from the last part of the book, and from interviews with leaders in politics, government, business and labor, and attempts to provide some answers to questions about worker safety, and to offer policy suggestions that make American workers safer and employers more accountable. Click here to read more.

Emory University School of Law in Atlanta, GA (May 2016)

Jon and Alex taught mostly 2-Ls at the Kessler-Eidson Program for Trial Techniques.

UFCW Local 227 Steward Conferences (October – November 2015)

Jon spoke to Local 227 stewards about social media issues, and during “Ask the Lawyer” sessions, where the stewards asked very engaging and challenging questions. The conferences ended with an afternoon at the horse races, where Jon made modest contributions to Kentucky’s racing industry.

UFCW Local 700 Steward Conferences (October 2015)

Kelly attended the UFCW Local 700 Steward Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana. She gave a presentation to the stewards on Indiana’s workers compensation laws, and the limitations of such laws to fully protect workers.

College of Labor and Employment Lawyers 7th Circuit Program (October 2015)

Jon, along with other 7th Circuit College Fellows, spoke to law students from around the Circuit on labor and employment topics. Jon presented on issues arising out of the intersection of legal marijuana use and the drug-free workplace.

UFCW Attorney’s Conference in Quebéc (September – October 2015)

Jon and Kelly attended the UFCW Attorney’s Conference in Quebéc City. A highlight of the conference was a presentation by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman on his efforts to prosecute employers for wage theft.

National Council for Occupational Safety and Health (COSH) Conference, MD (June 2015)

Jon attended the NCOSH Conference in Baltimore and heard speakers discuss health and safety issues facing American workers. The conference was an invaluable resource for his book, Dying to Work.

Emory University School of Law in Atlanta, GA (May 2015)

Jon and Alex taught mostly 2-Ls at the Kessler-Eidson Program for Trial Techniques.