Fighting For Your Rights For Over 60 Years

Whistleblower Claims

Society relies on the integrity of workers who do the right thing when confronted with illegal or unethical conduct. Unfortunately, though, doing the right thing can be risky. All too often, whistleblowers end up losing their jobs or getting demoted in retaliation for reporting misconduct. Nobody should have to suffer such consequences as a result of upholding important legal and ethical standards.

Understanding Your Rights

Despite the prevalence of illegal retaliation, the law provides powerful protections for whistleblowers in certain circumstances. Some types of claims even provide significant monetary rewards for employees who report misconduct.

Not all complaints about employers result in whistleblower protection. In general, protections are available for workers who report:

  • Fraud and financial mismanagement
  • Submitting false claims to state or federal agencies
  • Safety violations of OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) regulations
  • Violations of wage and hour laws
  • Discrimination or sexual harassment in the workplace
  • Environmental violations

In addition to federal law, many states also have whistleblower laws that protect employees who report certain wrongful conduct.

Get The Experienced Legal Protection You Deserve | Chicago And Grand Rapids, Michigan

Perhaps you become aware of damaging information about your employer’s business practices, and you suspect that illegal or unethical activity is afoot. Or perhaps you reported a violation and suffered some sort of retaliation — whether wrongful termination, blacklisting, a demotion or other unfair treatment. In any circumstance, it is critical to explore your rights.

At the Karmel & Torres, LLC in Illinois and Michigan, our practice is dedicated to helping workers like you. We have proudly protected employees’ rights for more than 50 years. Our attorneys have extensive experience handling whistleblower and qui tam claims across the country. We are staunch advocates for exposing unethical and corrupt practices in the workplace and protecting the employees who report them.

Our lawyers are not afraid to tackle challenges. You can rely on us to aggressively defend your rights and act as a shield between you and your employer.

Free Consultation | 24/7 Availability

Learn more about your rights and whether you have a claim by contacting us at 312-680-0797. The initial consultation is free. Based in Chicago, our attorneys handle whistleblower claims nationwide. We also maintain an office in Douglas, Michigan.